Saturday, January 25, 2014

Supersized Problem

In the documentary Supersize Me, filmmaker Morgan Spurlock embarked on an experiment that could have killed him. It certainly increased his chance of liver failure, heart failure, and did cause heart palpitations and a 30 pound weight gain. At the start of the documentary, Morgan is a fit, active man who enjoys exceptionally good health. As the film unfolds though, we see him accumulate a  hefty gut, huff at climbing two flights of stairs, suffer headaches, unnatural cravings, and worst of all, we witness the mounting alarm of his doctors as they beg him to give up his experiment. Perhaps the most terrifying aspect of this film is that the effects of eating at McDonalds three times a day were manifest well before the month was over.
I know that none of us eat at McDonalds three times a day and probably most of us don’t eat there very often(I hope) or not at all. However, this film makes several important points about fast food, personal, and corporate responsibility that are good for all of us to keep in mind.

McDonalds is not the only dangerous fast food
Really, all fast food has the potential of McDonalds, in that this diet will harm our bodies, increase cholesterol, cause heart disease, and weight gain. Some fast food chains strive to present their food as ‘healthy’ such as Subway, but there is danger in eating too often at these places as well.

Is it the food or the chemicals that’s addicting?
In the film, Morgan talked about how he grew to crave McDonalds food, even though it was literally making him sick.  That made me wonder if the chemicals that are used in the food are causing the cravings, these shady substances that no one is supposed to think about that aren’t regulated. If this is true, a lawsuit and enforced changes could be possible.

Corporate Responsibility
These companies are wreaking havoc on national and international health, and while it is our responsibility to eat both healthily and ethically, these corporations have much to be ashamed of, with their shameless marketing tactics and use of harmful substances. When Morgan attempted to make contact with a spokesperson from McDonalds after his month, he was ignored. I wonder what would happen if more of us held this corrupt corporation accountable?


  1. It is so interesting to me how monopolized McDonald's is. It seems so often that McDonald's is the only fast food corporation that is talked about. What does McDonald's do that other fast food companies don't do?

  2. Ugh fast food. I am so happy I do not care for it at all. However, I will admit I sometimes get subway and say well at least it's not that unhealthy, but in reality it is not that healthy.

  3. I too have watched this film and can't imagine eating McDonald's just once a day every every day, but three times a day every day UGH!

  4. It's bad but McDonalds came after this man after he finished filming supersize me. They attacked him and said that it wasn't their food that did it to him. It's interesting to think that even though there is this proof that McDonalds still can't own up to the responsibility of this.

  5. I have a love-hate relationship with everything I am learning about fast food. This makes me sick. The experimenter has some serious dedication I know I could never have for such a life threatening experiment.

  6. I've seen this documentary before and it definitely makes me rethink eating McDonalds as much I do.

  7. I remember having to watch this movie in high school & thinking this guy was a hero just as much as he was crazy. I'm surprised he didn't walk away with worse problems, especially since I feel sick after eating at McDonald's on just rare occasions.

  8. It's sickening to know that fast food restaurants put chemicals in our food so it would taste better. Those chemicals go inside our body and effects us in a negative way. Although I would like to stay away from fast food, it is hard when you're on a busy schedule.
