Friday, April 4, 2014

Video Game Presentation and Food Satire

 I found Casey and Joe's presentation really educational and appreciate their insights on video games and food. I have never been into video games, so to hear from 'gaming' experts was interesting and new for me. The two games that really stuck out were Border Patrol and Grand Theft Auto. Our explorations into the migrant worker plight illuminated so many misconceptions about these persons and that game really brought that home to me. I would have considered that game distasteful before this class, but understanding the underlying prejudices that led to its creation is sickening. 
It was also really insightful to watch the Cluckin Bell commercials embedded in Grand Theft Auto; I hope the people playing those games actually stop and recognize them for the satire that they are. 

Speaking of satire, Chipotle launched four 50 minute videos called Farmed and Dangerous, kicking off a series of tongue in cheek satire directed at fast food chains. The trailer is hilarious, probably because it is so completely accurate about factory farming. A scientist grows an eight wing chicken and the bureaucrat who is always thinking about the bottom line says that 'Those people died from eating, not starving. That's progress.'  References to chemicals  used  on the animals to enhance growth are all throughout  the clip and for a person who was never confronted these issues, I think it will be impacting and eye opening. 
The motive behind Chipotle's efforts is to raise awareness regarding ethical agricultural practices and treatment of animals. I like that they are addressing broader issues instead of just trying to sell burgers.
 I wonder what our food system would look like if more companies addressed broader, community issues instead of just trying to sell more of their product?

Farmed and Dangerous Trailer


  1. Kate, this post made me like Chipotle even more! I think it is always fun to see real life examples of this, not just satire portrayed in a made up world.

    I like that you were open to discuss gaming, even though you don't consider yourself to be a gamer. Thanks!

  2. I agree with the part where you talk about the Cluckin Bell commercial...I never would known food was incorporated into video games before this presentation

  3. Hahaha, that video was great! Thanks for sharing that
